Workshop Now YOU can make Artisan Flat breads with Charles Luce !! Artisan Flat breads with Charles Luce. Gluten-free flat breads are an easy trick once you've mastered a few basics. These techniques transform such simple foods as pizza and tortillas into taste-filled, nutritious and toothsome treats. This workshop will teach proper dough handling for GF flat breads, as well as innovative baking methods and ways to modify traditional recipes using fresh, local ingredients. We'll bake (and eat!!) thin-crust pizza, puffy foccacia and a corn, sorghum, and wild mushroom gordito.
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Charles Luce Bio Charles Luce is the co-owner of Luce's Gluten-Free Artisan Bread and a GF product inventor. His long career in the visual arts (pre-digital photography) prepared him to tackle GF baking's last frontier - bread - and produce true artisan products. He taught community college for 27 years and is an excellent workshop presenter. A dedicated "foodie" and mushroom forager (he's served on the executive committee of the New York Mycological Society), he brings a wealth of knowledge and an open, friendly attitude to the classroom. You can find out more at his site - or his blog -
| Schedule Days and times: Friday and Saturday, 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM Cost: $75 per person Size: Minimum 5, maximum 20 Style: Lecture/demonstration; hands-on We will eat what we bake!
Register quickly as seats will sell out quickly for this event!
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